Unicorn Music is proud to add von Huene Workshop recorders to its line of quality instruments. The selection of new instruments was hand-picked by Charles Fischer at the 2009 and 2011 Boston Early Music Festivals. We are offering the Terton soprano at A415, the Ganassi soprano at A440/415, and the Stanesby Jr. alto at A415 and starting in 2011, the Rippert alto at A440 as well as a Stanesby Jr. Fourth Flute (soprano in Bb) at A415.

The following links and articles give the basic background of Friedrich von Huene. What they don't  tell you is the enormous influence he has had on the overall early instrument scene, especially for recorders and traversos, but even on harpsichord builders by helping to establish Boston as an instrument builder's oasis along with Frank Hubbard in the 60's. Directly or indirectly, his workshop and ideas have impacted a good many of the makers practicing their craft today, directly through Tom Prescott and indirectly through Bob Marvin and Fred Morgan and their associations and instruction of budding instrument makers in the 80's. Also, his Rottenburgh series of designs scaled to A440 greatly influenced the direction of Moeck in the late 60’s through the 90’s.

After apprenticing with his father for many years, Patrick von Huene is now the proud master craftsman of the von Huene tradition. In many ways this is like the two-generation instrument making dynasties of the Denners in Nuremburg and the Stanesbys in London. Patrick also represents the von Huene Workshop at various international exhibitions in Boston and Stockstadt, Germany.


Patrick von Huene exhibiting at Stockstadt in 2008 (left) and Boston Early Music Festival in 2011

Friedrich von Huene Received the Curt Sachs Award for 2003

Friedrich von Huene Interviewed in Tibia (German) - scroll down for actual article after linking

Friedrich von Huene Profiled in Business Forum





List Price


von Huene Ganassi

Soprano 440 Curly Maple One Single English New - Perfect for renaissance consort or 17th c baroque. $1200 $1200
von Huene Terton

(box is by Coolsma, but recorder is by von Huene, revoiced by Fred Morgan)

Soprano 415 European Boxwood Two Double English Used, as New. Morgan voicing a little less strident than original voicing. $1700 $1600
von HueneRottenburgh
Alto 415 European BoxwoodThreeDoubleEnglish New - hand-picked at BEMF! $2400 $2400
von HueneBressan

Voice Flute (tenor in D)
415European BoxwoodThreeDoubleEnglish Used - As New condition!Thumbhole shows no wear! Full, rich tone across the entire range! $2800


von Huene Bressan

Voice Flute (tenor in D)
415European BoxwoodThreeDoubleEnglish New - Hand-picked at BEMF 2019! Full, rich tone across the entire range! $2800


von HueneDenner

Sopranino 415IvoryTwoSingleEnglish Used - As New : Outstanding rare ivory sopranino for solo use! NLA
