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Baroque Recorders at A415

Here is a listing of our best baroque style soprano, alto, voice flute, tenor and bass recorders for sale at A415 or lower or with two centers at A440/A415. These instruments are designed with a strongly conical bore, which facilitates the production of high notes and helps the instrument produce tones rich in harmonics. All instruments, new and used, are sold with a 7-day trial period. We want you to be satisfied with your purchase.

Sopranos and Sopraninos

Maker Recorder Model Recorder Size Pitch Material Pieces




List Price


 Jean-Luc Boudreau Denner

Sopranino 415 Grenadilla/Ivory TwoDoubleEnglish New - Very pleasing sweet tone, perfect for Couperin, Handel, Vivaldi, and Shannon! $1800


von Huene Denner

Sopranino 415 Ivory Two SingleEnglish Used - As New : Outstanding rare ivory sopranino for solo use! NLA


Moeck Steenbergen
Soprano 415 Indian Boxwood Three DoubleEnglish New - professional quality at a moderate price! $850$720
Aesthé (Boudreau) Aesthé
Soprano 415 European Boxwood Three DoubleEnglish New - professional quality at a moderate price! $870$925
F. Canevari Van Eyck Handfluyt
F. Canevari van Eyck soprano A415
Van Eyck Duo Philis schoon Herderinne - SA
415 Flamed Maple w/Ivory Thumb BushingOne SingleJambe de Fer Used - sweet tone - perfect for Van Eyck NLA$1150
James Scott Haka
James Scott Haka Soprano A415

Rameau - Les Tendres Plaintes
415 European


Two SingleEnglish Used - Very good condition. Very sweet tone. NLA$1195
Tom Prescott Boekhout

Rameau - Rigadons I & II
Castello Sonata Quarta
415 European


Two DoubleEnglish Used - Revoiced by the maker in March, 2006 to bring it to as-new playing! $1900$1295
Stephan Blezinger R. Wijne

Soprano 415 European Boxwood Three Double English Used - Delightful sweet tone. Perfect blend for SATB consort playing  $1850 $1550
Rohmer Terton


415 Stained Boxwood Three Double English Used - As New! Excellent soloistic soprano for sonatas and concertos! $1850 $1550
 Jean-Luc Boudreau Bressan
Boudreau Bressan Fourth Flute A415
Fourth Flute (soprano in Bb) 415European BoxwoodThreeDoubleEnglish New - Perfect instrument for Dieupart and several other soprano suites and sontatas in flat keys! $1680


Takeyama Bressan
Takeyama Bressan Soprano European Boxwood A415
Soprano 415European Boxwood ThreeDouble English New - Marvellous instrument. Hand-picked at the Boston Early Music Festival! $1850$1850
Tim Cranmore Bressan
Fourth Flute (Soprano in Bb)415European Boxwood ThreeDouble English New - Perfect instrument for Dieupart and several other soprano suites and sontatas in flat keys! $1950$1950
Tim Cranmore & Bernard Junghaenl Bressan & Terton
Bressan Fourth Flute (Soprano in Bb) and
Terton Soprano
European Boxwood ThreeDouble EnglishUsed set for multiple baroque pitches! NLA$1750 or $1950 or $3500


Maker Recorder Model Recorder Size Pitch Material Pieces




List Price


Kung J. C Denner
Alto 415 Boxwood w/Ivory Thumb Bushing Three SingleEnglish Used - very good condition. NLA$679
Peter van Der Poel Stanesby
Peter van der Poel Stanesby Jr. Ebony Alto A415
Alto415GrenadillaThree Single English Used - Very good  Condition! - Revoiced by Patrick von Huene at BEMF 2009 - a little breathy sound. $2150 $1550
J&M Dolmetsch  Stanesby

Alto  392SatinwoodThree DoubleEnglish  Used in perfect condition! Lovely dark tone for French music. NLA$1550
Tom Prescott Bressan
Prescott Bressan Alto Boxwood A415
Alto 415 European Boxwood Three Single/DoubleEnglish Used - Very good condition with light signs of wear! $2150 $1650
Joachim Rohmer Denner
Alto 415 Maple w/Ivory thumb bushing Three DoubleEnglish Used - Mint Condition!
Lovely tone and very light weight. Great ergonomics! 
$1950 $1650
Pietro Sopranzi Anciuti

Alto415Ebony with Boxwood Fittings ThreeDouble English New - Unique beautiful tone by Pietro Sopranzi!! $2300$1950
Takeyama Bressan

Alto 415 Brazilian Boxwood w/Ivory fittings Three DoubleEnglish New - Professional quality instrument. Marvelous sound! Hand-picked at the Boston Early Music Festival! $1950 $2150
Wenner Stanesby Jr.
Alto 415 European Boxwood Three DoubleEnglish New - Professional quality instrument. Marvelous lively sound! $2050 $2250
Tim Cranmore Bressan

Alto408 European Boxwood w/Artificial Ivory ThreeSingle Hotteterre Used Aas New - Exquisite copy of original recorder with single holes and original fingering! $2850$2750
Fumitaka Saito Castel
Alto408European Boxwood w/Artificial Ivory ThreeDouble Hotteterre New - Exquisite copy of original recorder with double holes! $2850$3150
Ralf Ehlert Bressan (Supreme)
Oblinger/Ose Keller(X)
Eloy Cortinez/Bach(X)
415Stained Flamed European Boxwood ThreeDouble EnglishNew - Perfect for Purcell, Handel, Corelli, and Hotteterre! Solid low g and f with no burbles! $2750$3750

Voice Flutes, Tenors, and Basses

Maker Recorder Model Recorder Size Pitch Material Pieces




List Price


Takeyama Bressan
Voice Flute
415 Stained MapleThree Double English Used in As New Condition! Excellent tone and projection! $2150 $1950
Ralf Ehlert Bressan
Tenor415European BoxwoodThreeDouble English  Used-Mint Condition! Requires larger hands. $2950$2550

NOTE: English = Dolmetsch, Baroque = Hotteterre.

Telephone: (408) 569-2781
email: bizweb5@yahoo.com
Address: Charles Fischer/Unicorn Music 5825 Fifth Ave #203 Pittsburgh, PA 15232
SkypID: UnicornMusic

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